Self Assembly Required

DIY dressmaking + crafts with Emily

Sewing for Autumn AKA another Fibre Mood Mira dress

Does anyone else feel like summer passed way too fast this year? I feel like I’m putting away my summer wardrobe with so many pieces that have gone unworn!

On the plus side, it’s now time to look to planning our Autumn/ Winter wardrobes!

I’ve been eyeing up loads of midi and maxi dresses at the mo. I’m loving the oversized play of volume and (that dreaded word) smock shape.

My Pinterest boards are looking are the 70s threw up on them and it’s awesome!

My first idea (for what I assume will be many) of this style of dress, was to make a long version of my beloved Mira Dress from Fibre Mood.

This has definitely been my pattern of the summer – check out my previous versions here and here! My plan was to keep the puff sleeve back from my last incarnation and add an extra layer of ruffles to the hem which would get it to midi length.

At the last minute I also decided to lengthen the top tier of the skirt by 4cm so there’s a slight gradient between each of the tiers.

I also opted to keep the exposed ruffle head for the bottom two tiers.

Tip: if you’re looking to do this too, it’s super easy!

– finish the raw edge of the ruffle and what you’re attaching it to

– fold over the edge by double the seam allowance

– place your gathering stitches through the middle of the folded over part

– overlay the gathered ruffle onto the finished edge and top stitch

The fabric I used for the this make was one I bought in my last big Stoff and Stil order. It’s a beautiful printed woven viscose (which unfortunately they no longer sell but they do have lots of other beautiful prints available at the mo).

I managed to get the whole dress out of 3m of fabric with just a little bit left over which I thought was pretty decent considering how much dress there it! 😂

It’s the perfect autumn dress to wear with ankle boots (no tights!) and makes me feel all flouncy and twirly when I wear it!

Now to make it in every colour and print!

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  1. You really inspired me to make this dress! Got the fabric and pattern and am ready to go. What I was wandering is, did you use the same bodice as in the original Mira pattern? I like that yours seems a bit more fitted and would like to make it that way too.

    1. Hi! Yes I used the Mira bodice but I took it in slightly at the waist I took off about 2cm from the side of the pattern – so drew a line from the under arm point to 2cm in at the waist on both the front and back bodice pieces. Hope that helps! ☺️

      1. Thank you!! That helped a lot! It looks really nice to have it a bit tighter. Did you elongate the bodice as well?

        1. I didn’t change the bodice length – I just have quite a short torso so it doesn’t look as short on me as on other people! 😆

  2. Ooooh that’s very lovely! I’m not normally a tiered dress person but something about the proportions and the colors is just spot-on.

  3. Hello, love the way you made this dress!
    I am planning on making one for my self, but are wondering.
    How did you make the second tier ? Is it the same as the pattern for first tier in width and length ?

    1. The original pattern had the two tiers included. For the third, I used three of the second tier pattern (as opposed to the two in the second tier) for the extra width!

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