Self Assembly Required

DIY dressmaking + crafts with Emily

Me Made May 2019

This is the 10th year of the Me Made May challenge! Started and run by Zoe of So Zo What do you know blog, it encourages people to wear their handmade items and push themselves to try something new as they make their personalised pledges.

Here’s my pledge for Me Made May this year! It’s in three parts…

I, Emily of Self Assembly Required, pledge to wear me made items every day of the month of May.

Ok, so 80% of the time I wear handmade items so this first part of my pledge isn’t so much of a stretch. In fact, except for work clothes and my favourite pair of dungarees, I’m pretty much in me mades the rest of the time.

To get around the work clothes thing, I’m planning to put the effort in to change out of my icky dentist clothes after work into something nicer because wearing a me made outfit will make any day better!

Part two of the pledge…

I pledge to take an #ootd (outfit of the day) photo everyday!

I’ve been meaning to improve my photography – I’m thinking funky selfies and flatlays – and this is a great excuse to take lots of photos! Whether I’ll post a photo on social media everyday is another matter though!

And lastly…

I pledge to not sew any clothes for myself in the month of May (bar any projects and collaborations I’ve already committed to).

So this last part is mostly to do with the fact that sometimes I feel like I’m in a weird Emily factory churning out garments. For the most part I love what I make, but there are some times I feel like I’m making stuff just for the sake of it and enjoying neither the process or the end result. (Also, I probably definitely don’t need so much stuff). I’m thinking a little break will be good for me!

That doesn’t mean a complete hold on sewing and crafting altogether!

I’ve got plans for some selfless sewing, I want to try my hand at some bag making (I’ve got some cork leather and washable paper to experiment on) and I wanted to get started on some shoe stuff too! I’m also in the midst of a few Wool and the Gang projects so it’ll be case of finding enough time to do as much of these other projects as possible!

I’m a lover of all crafts and trying something new so it’ll be a month of fun things for sure!

There ends my pledge for the year. I wonder if I’ll stick to it all? 🤣

Are you joining in with the Me Made May challenge this year?

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1 Comment

  1. I am taking part in my first Me Made May – I only started sewing in July last year and am looking forward to it! Good luck with your pledges x

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