Self Assembly Required

DIY dressmaking + crafts with Emily

Going overboard with supplies!

I need to stop buying in bulk!

I get so carried away when I’m shopping for sewing supplies that I’ve ended up with this…


This is literally hundreds of metal zips! Where am I going to put them all? (Sigh). These were £1 a bag of 15-20 pot luck metal zips and if you bought 9 you get one free. 

Of course I bought 9! If you also want to be crazy and buy in bulk, I got them from William Gee

FYI they say 15-20 zips per bag but one of my 10 bags contained 74. Yep, 74 multicoloured metal zippers. It’s insane!! There’s no way I’m going to be able to use them all. I should really start selling them on eBay or something…

I also got a bunch of their bias tape pot luck bundles since it works out so cheap. I’m planning to make a walkaway dress at some point so I figured all the tape would come in useful!

I’ve been going a bit nuts with fabric shopping too! I like to think that since I’ve stopped buying so many RTW clothes, I’m now allowed to buy as much fabric as I want…

Here are my most recent buys:

And my most recent haul of patterns… (They were half price! I couldn’t help myself!)

Now all I’m lacking is time to sew everything!
Are you a bulk shopper or do you just get things as you need them? I’m such a sucker for a bargain and always buy too much!

P. S.  Hobbycraft currently has half price Gutermann thread if anyone is interested… I’m planning to stock up on all my colours!

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  1. I have to admit, I’ve never gone crazy on zippers–just stash of zips I ended up not using because I changed my mind about what to make. But I do understand the impulse to save money in this way. My husband says that if we ever go bankrupt, it may well be because I saved too much money.

  2. Wow that is a LOT of zippers. I guess dressmaking aside you can make those pencil cases/pouches entirely composed of zippers and can be opened anywhere? Or many makeup bags. Buying in bulk…once our local craft chain had a big 4 pattern sale and i bought over 100 patterns in one go. Will not get to all of them in my entire life….then I bought more :p

  3. That is a LOT of zips. You could run a sewing workshop on how to put zips in perhaps? I can never seem to leave a fabric shop with just one piece, (or a pattern sale with just one pattern) but I’ve never bought quite as many things as this in one go…

    1. It was quite unintentional to get this many… Can’t resist a bargain though! A zip sewing workshop would be perfect for the amount I have!

  4. thanks for the heads up on the Gutermann thread! I don’t think I want to know how much I’ve spent on their thread on one off john lewis purchases

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