Self Assembly Required

DIY dressmaking + crafts with Emily

A very lady like lemon Moneta

I wasn’t too sure about my initial Moneta dress but I ended up wearing it a lot more than I thought I would so I wanted to go back and revisit this pattern!

I was really inspired by all the hacks I saw during the Moneta party earlier this year and knew I wanted to take a few of these on!

So I opted for a few basic changes to make to this Moneta a bit different:

1. A scoop back. I always use my Closet Case Nettie pattern as a guide when I hack a scoop back because their scoop back hits me perfectly just above the bra!

2. Pleats instead of gathers on a midi length skirt.

3. Super short sleeves – for a proper summery feeling!

4. A neck band to finish. I find these super quick and easy to put in and I like how they look rather than just folding and topstitching the neckline like the instructions say.

I used this amazing jersey I got from Stoff and Still a few weeks ago. I kind of wish I never found that online store because I’ve spent so much money there already! LOL. 

Anyway, it’s pink with lemons and is just the best thing ever!

The great thing about the Moneta pattern is how easy the construction is. I do it all on my overlocker and all in all takes just a couple of hours to make from scratch. The fit is very forgiving since it’s jersey though it could probably do with a little tweaking here and there just to make it fit really perfectly.

I love it. It’s awesome. And with my hair I look like I’m made of candy…

I feel like I need to go for a nice afternoon tea somewhere when I wear it! 

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  1. This is lovely! Great fit and fab pattern.. the ice cream/candy theme really works! Encourages me to try the moneta

    1. Thanks! The Moneta seems to be a great pattern for beginners to jersey – really easy to sew and fit! You should definitely give it a go!

  2. Lemon-print โ€“ love it! Great idea to change the neckline at the back, and it makes a great backdrop for your amazing hair.

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