Self Assembly Required

DIY dressmaking + crafts with Emily

Summer shorts! 

I have the perfect fabric and the perfect pattern and perfect weather. For a whole 2 days that is… Typical!

I was determined to make them anyway even though they’re destined to be holiday-only shorts. It’s just not warm enough most of the time to wear them here!

The fabric I found was a 75p remnant piece of a stretch cotton sateen (or what feels like cotton anyway) in this gorgeous bright blue with a tropical floral and bird print. I loved it at first sight! But there was only about 1m or just under that there so it was a choice between a mini skirt or a pair of shorts. 

Seeing as how I’d just picked up this Vogue pattern 9008 in my latest pattern haul, it seemed like shorts were the way to go!

I opted for view D which has the pleats on the front with a back yoke. I had to make the shortest version firstly to keep them in proportion with my short legs and secondly to actually fit it on the fabric!

By the way, has anyone used Vogue patterns before and just found it gives you a huge punch to your self esteem? The sizing is small! I ended up cutting a 14 which was the largest in the pattern pack I got. I couldn’t believe it! I’ve never felt that fat before! I normally cut a 10 or 12 for other patterns – typically middle of the road – but not to Vogue apparently. Anyway, rant over. 

Back to the pattern and the making up!

It’s as easy an any shorts pattern to be honest. It does use a fly zip and the instructions are pretty clear with that. The only bit of the instructions which totally went over my head was to do with the carriers (or belt loops in my world). I still don’t understand what exactly they wanted me to do… I ended up just omitting them. I figured I’ll just topstitch them at some point!

In hindsight I probably could have made a 12. I feel like the vogue size chart to the actual pattern has a big discrepancy. Too much ease maybe? Anyway, though my measurements should’ve fitted the 14, the shorts were definitely on the big side. Something to note in future!

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  1. They look great. I love the fabric, what a find. I made a vogue skirt for a friend and really had to size up. I didn’t tell her what size I cut out!

  2. These are the perfect summer shorts, so cute! I’ve only made 2 Vogue patterns so far and I made one top in a size 8 (suggest size 14 I think), which I am normally between an 8 or 10. Well, needless to say it was too tight and was eventually donated. Note taken for the next time I make a Vogue pattern!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, let’s all make a mental note that we’re all gonna be making MASSIVE sizes when we use vogue patterns… 🙁

  3. Very cute! I like the other short options too. Sizes with the Big 4 companies are crazy and you can’t rely on your measurements either as you discovered so I generally don’t use them anymore. If I do, it’s Vogue. I’ve gotten so that I prefer the small companies such as Patterns for Pirates (P4P). Sizing on that one is your exact measurements. Plus you don’t feel like you are suddenly in plus sizes. Instructions are super too.

    Although I also like the freedom that has come with figuring out how to sew the garment without relying on their instructions. That took me a long time.

    1. It’s easy to spend just as long deciphering the instructions as it does sewing sometimes! I’m fan of having a quick look then chucking them away… I agree, the sizing with indie companies tend to be more realistic and comparable to retail. Much nicer to see when you’re picking what size you’re making!

  4. I love the fabric and the shorts. I also want some bright and pattern shorts but never found anything in stores. Maybe I should go the diy route and make my own.

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