Day 1 of the U.K. wide lockdown and I thought the sensible isolation sewing choice would be to make loungewear!
I opted for the new Juno pyjama set from the latest Tilly and the Buttons book offering – Make It Simple.

Whilst I tested a few patterns from the book (more on those another day), I hadn’t tried Juno before. This seemed like the perfect time!
The Juno PJ set is a simple long sleeve tee and legging combo. It’s a really straightforward pattern and unsurprisingly quick to sew.
I used a funky sweatshirting that I got from Sew Me Sunshine at the end of last year. It’s got a baby blue background and covered in a hand print. The best bit is that the hands have glitter nail polish on!
I managed to just about eke out the pyjama set from 1.5 metres of wide fabric. I did have to make everything a fair bit shorter in order to fit all the pattern pieces on (the fabric requirements said 1.8 metres was needed!) but since I’m so vertically challenged anyway it all worked out! I used a white rib for my cuffs and neckband. I also used it to create a waistband for the leggings too!
The original pattern calls for you to just sew the elastic to the waist opening and turn it but I tried it on before this point and I knew it would end up too low to be comfortable on me. So instead I cut myself a waistband piece that was slightly smaller than the waist of the legging. I used this as a channel for the elastic much in the same way as the Tilly and the Buttons Stella joggers!
I’m glad I did it as it worked out really well and sits much more comfortably on me!

Now the real question is how many days in a row can I wear these without feeling completely disgusting? 😂
Hi. I had the same issue with the waist of my first pair of Juno pj’s. Can you give details on how you did the wider waistband? Love your Juno’s btw!
Hiya! From what I remember, I simply cut a rectangle that was just smaller than the width of the waist and the depth of elastic x 2 + seam allowances. I sewed the short ends together and folded it wrong sides together and sewed this to the waistband leaving a short gap to thread through some elastic. Hope that helps!