Monthly Roundup #2 – Self Assembly Required

Self Assembly Required

DIY dressmaking + crafts with Emily

Monthly Roundup #2

Let’s see how long I can continue this series for! This is what I got up to in March!

In the news…

• I made it to the Knitting and Stitching show! (Ok to be fair, I waited until the snow had gone so there was no excuse not to!). I went on the Sunday and hung out with vlogger Sew Happy Alex, Sonny from sew_london and Harriet from Hobbling Handmades. I also ran into Rosa from the Sewn vlog and Andrew! (No photos from the day – we were far too busy chatting!)

I didn’t do a huge amount of shopping – I only bought one piece of fabric. But it was fun to enable the others… 😂

I was super impressed by some of the exhibitions there. Particularly the one by Mr X Stitch who had all sorts of funky cross stitch projects on display. Check out this Fresh Prince cross stitch by Keith Clark!

• The beginning of March finally saw the launch of the new Tilly and the Buttons book. I made it to the book launch party which was full of on brand snacks!

• I have two new YouTube videos up!

The first is my review of Stretch!

I also got a video of my Spring sewing plans up!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel to be the first to know when new videos go up!

What I’ve been listening to/ reading/ watching…

A new sewing podcast has been born! Check out The Stitcher’s Brew podcast to hear Gabby and Megan (and a multitude of guests) giggle for a few hours!

Megan was also on an episode of Make Craft Britain which is on BBC2/ iPlayer. It’s an interesting show with lots of mindful crafting if you like that kind of thing!

If you haven’t seen it yet, please watch Nailed It on Netflix. It’s the funniest baking show I’ve ever seen!!

I’ve also been obsessively watching Mozart in the Jungle and I’ve been trying to keep up with The Assassination of Gianni Versace which I’ve even finding equally enthralling and creepy.

New skills…

I ended up not having time to try any new classes last month. The one class I wanted to try ended up being on a weekend I had to work! Next month looks like more of the same but I’ve got something exciting booked in for May!

What’s been happening in your corner of the world? Tell me everything! ☺️

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  1. I wish I had Netflix but I don’t – its just one of those things that complicated with my provider so I haven’t gone through all the machinations it would take to make it happen. When I read, “It’s the funniest show I’ve ever seen” I’m sorely tempted! We can never have too many giggles in our lives 🙂 I’ve signed up for a pattern making class for the first time – it’s an in person one here in Victoria BC which I’m very excited about! Alexandra Morgan is teaching it – I took a one day workshop with her last year so when I saw this 6 week class I jumped in right away. She has some videos up on youtube which is are very good if you’d like to know more about her work 🙂

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