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DIY dressmaking + crafts with Emily

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021!

Well what can be said apart from that 2020 was probably the weirdest year we’ve ever had?

From Brexit to COVID and scary toilet roll shortages, it’s been a particularly tumultuous year for most of us. Despite that, I thought I’d run through my highlights of 2020 as I don’t think it was all awful!

I started the year off right with a short trip to Morocco in January!

This feels like so long ago! The food was fab, the scenery beautiful. I won’t lie – it wasn’t my favourite place ever but it was wonderful none the less!

I managed to go to a few sewing meet-ups in February at Like Sew Amazing, The New Craft House and the Tilly and the Buttons’s Make It Simple book launch

I also got stuck in Wales for a weekend due to flooding! (We’d gone up for the boyfriend’s annual reunion party and got stuck on the way home!).

March saw my ski trip cancelled and the start of the first lockdown. I’d complain but it also meant the start of my four month sewing holiday…

I made a lot of things! (This is just a snapshot of what I made. I think it came out to around 50 or so items… 🙈)

I also tried out some new crafts including candle making, wax ring carving, bread making (yes, we were those people with our sourdough starter baby! We named him Sergio…) ice dyeing and jesmonite terrazzo casting.

August saw me back to work for a couple of weeks before a week off canal boating in Yorkshire! The timing couldn’t have been better as the weather was ace – I’d have never imagined I’d be worrying about getting sunburned in the north of England!

I managed to have a spa day (in between all the restrictions) with my sisters for my birthday and got the best present ever – some new roller skates! 🛼🛼

As the weather turned and nights got longer, the prospect of further lockdowns and distancing got that bit harder. I finally joined my local library and realised that I could access their ebook selection so I started frantically reading! I managed to get through 15 books in the last quarter of the year. It was the perfect antidote to not being allowed out!

Normally I’m not a Halloween person but we decided to carve pumpkins this year for a bit of festive cheer! Also it gave us something to do for a weekend…

Christmas got cancelled and whilst it was a much quieter celebration for two instead of our original plans, it was still a nice day with far too much food, telly and naps!

It may not have been the year we expected but it wasn’t all bad!

Looking on to the 2021, what can we hope this new year brings? Well, hopefully a rollout of worldwide immunisation with the new vaccines but apart from that, I hope that 2021 holds a lot more crafting, making and time spent with loved ones! I think that’s what I’ve missed most in 2020!

I’m not going to set myself targets this year. I always feel like I’m setting myself up for failure as I never seem to reach them! Instead, I want to just try to live my life to the fullest and happiest I can, whilst trying to be relatively mindful of those BIG things currently affecting us (e.g. climate change, sustainability, inequality). I don’t know what that’s going to look like yet but I’m heading into the new year with a positive outlook!

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  1. Love, love, love your Morocco dress. And I’m very impressed with your new crafts, especially the rings and the terrazzo casting.

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